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  1. Unhappy Please help me!!!(Commandos v 1.2.3)

    Help me with. I made the task of "Mission 2" of this game (commandos v 1.2.3 for mobile), but do not understand the phrase "use the South escape way"(it's the last task) and doing it how, please just for me, thank you so much.

  2. #2


    From the rescue point, move east past the fence and south. Get rid of the only guard there and follow east, ignoring the minefield (you'll see a pair of "!" signs, which indicates the minefield to the north). Eventually, you'll find a path to the south soon.

  3. Default

    But the way to the south escape way is blocked.
    Can somebody tell me in full how escape from there. Thnxzz

  4. Default

    After you rescue Green Beret, you have to go with both your men to the area south to the minefield. You go west past the fence, then south, then west again. You'll see some guards but you should know how to deal with them.

    My question is: has anyone managed to get a gold medal in the final mission? It's the only one where I can't get gold.
    Last edited by gigib; 26-09-2011 at 02:23 PM.

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