Title:Asphalt 4:Elite Racing
Genre: Arcade Racing
Deveoper: Gameloft
Release Date:Mid-July 2008
Tested:Nokia 6234;SE V630i


Asphalt series are known to be the most successful racing games from Gameloft,along the years they been evolving now reaching to the number 4 title in the franchise.I was very excited when the game was announced,i thinked it will be a revelation in the franchise with this new installment,watching how the new games from Gameloft were very good (ex. Soul of Darkness),but when i got it i was very disappointed.

Well my impression was that Gameloft could maked a better job in producing this title,because for me is just a complete letdown,they will be people that will say that why to brake a formula that it works but Gameloft didn't maked any different from Asphalt 3 besides putting new tracks and cars.I played the s40v3 240x320 version and the SE 176x220 version,and i'm very impressed by the SE version,where thet have introduced the heavy rain where you cars slips on the track,and the water drops effect that is wonderfull,on the other side the s40v3 version is just the plain version of Asphalt 3 with new tracks and cars.The graphics are a little better than the Asphalt 3,but i don't liked thad they striped out the backlighting when you brake down(on s40v3 version),Gameloft better known that the small things make a huge difference on the game experience.
You have 6 countrys where you can race from Shanghai to Beverly Hills,with 5 distinct race types,the one i enjoyed tthe most being the drift.The races are still the same,m,eaning that you will start from the last place and you must get to the first place(on s40v3 version),but on the other hand on the SE version you feel like in a competing race you being on the tie with the opponents and see them crashing next to you in a car.Gameloft introduce a new level option that let's you advance in your carrer unblocking new races,the points being obtained after each race,a let down being that you can compete in a duel in every city only with the previuosly unblocked car.The difficulty is relatively medium,the races being "hard" at the beggining but after winning some races and get some new cars you will progress without any problems.On the sound part i will give the game a 7,there are no sound effects only a melody that plays along with the race.The controls are the same,nothing that Gameloft could change.

My conclusion is that Asphalt 4 is just maded for the money,meaning that Gameloft instead of bringing something new to the series,they just make a remake of the Asphalt 3,in my oppinion Asphalt 3 being the best arcade racing game from Gameloft.



Graphics 8/10
Same old graphic engine.

Sound 7/10
No SFX,only a melody.

Gameplay 9/10
Simpe and intuitive controls.

Story 5/10
Same old story.

Overall Score: 7,25 of 10.