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  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MeatLoaf_Enchilada Log in to see links
    Apoteka owned all the other congrats...

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by MeatLoaf_Enchilada Log in to see links
    Apoteka owned all the other congrats...
    Why thank you...

  3. Wink

    Thanks Mark, for all your support and Gerrit, for all your support and uploads made while i have been at M24.

    And also many thanks, to karl, kevin, and songbird.

    Karl for needing to pick up the pieces, kevin for just well being there for me, and songbird for getting tons of wallpapers for me ect.

    Hope to see you all around,


  4. Smile

    Yes of course, just because i stepped down as forum-moderator, doesn't mean im not going to be on the forums anymore.

  5. #15


    well done peoples

  6. Default

    happy work team
    wish good luck 4 everybody

  7. Default

    The following content will be refused:

    Applies to all categories:

    Poor quality or partially complete
    Incorrect, unclear and ambiguous titled uploads (ie. wallpaper1, wallpaper2 etc)
    Uploads titled with your own username
    Extreme adult related content (ie. content that contains pornography, genitalia).
    Duplicates: Content that is similar or exactly the same as another upload in the same category. Please note: any user found to be purposely uploading duplicate content will be permanently banned.

    If you don't like it... Well you know where the door is...

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by guitarmaster Log in to see links
    just wanted to post my last bull on this site becuase of the Moderators.
    i m tired of getting refused for stuff that everyone else can do but
    not me.......why? most of the users dont even know how to make wallpapers or ringtones..but thier crap is accepted
    when i get refused i go and look at other peoples uploads & find that they can get away with it!.....not Me!
    i see lots of nasty pics of fat titties ugly girls uploaded to this Hipocrital so called piece of ????
    the hell with Mobiles 24
    Ohhhhh I know honey! Nobody likes you and you're just as good as everyone else.

    Save it for somebody who cares. Being that M24 is still one of a kind, good luck finding another place like it.

  9. Default

    I mod at a totally different type of site, and found there is always one of these in the crowd.

    Congrats to the new Mods, and thanks for the rules!

  10. Default

    Good Job gentlemen!

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