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Results 621 to 630 of 2023
  1. #621


    Quote Originally Posted by Hell97 Log in to see links
    wow are they gonna make jade empire 2 too?
    I'm not sure. I'll have a look.

  2. Default

    New Midnight Club L.A trailer just released this very minute

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    and my word it looks good

  3. #623


    My fellow gamers, for all of you who enjoyed GTA4 on the console, have a look at this:


    Rockstar gave us a demo of the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV at Games Convention today, a first look at the game many of us have been enjoying for months on our comparatively underpowered consoles -- but now at higher resolutions. You may know the numbers by now, but if 2560 x 1600 resolution does anything for you, get this game.

    What we saw, a Rockstar controlled run through of the memorable "Three Leaf Clover" mission, looked exactly how we remember it, just much, much sharper. Higher resolution textures, crisp anti-aliasing, better streaming and higher draw distances (107% more than the console version) will certainly appeal to the graphics whore in you.

  4. Default

    I think I may have to upgrade my pc....

  5. Default

    I cant take it anymore........................................... .......................MUST....................... .....................GET.......................... ..................THIS............................ ................GAME!!!!!

  6. #626


    Quote Originally Posted by AaronVW Log in to see links
    I think I may have to upgrade my pc....
    Quote Originally Posted by Hell97 Log in to see links
    I cant take it anymore........................................... .......................MUST....................... .....................GET.......................... ..................THIS............................ ................GAME!!!!!

  7. Default

    The worst news i ever heard bout a game was this, 'manhunt 2 is'nt going to be released on the pc' oh how i fell in love with manhunt 1, i used to play it for hours and hours and on and on....rockstar was brutal enough to release it on the wii, but they could'nt do it for the pc. WHAT A SHAME!!!

  8. #628


    Quote Originally Posted by AaronVW Log in to see links
    I think I may have to upgrade my pc....
    I'm excited about the game all over again. I loved the console version and I'll never have any bad words about it, but the pc version looks set to take the game to a whole new level.

  9. Default

    Indeed it does

    now then who wants fable 2 gameplay?

    I DO!!!

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    EDIT: Im getting a 360 on monday just for this game

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by AaronVW Log in to see links
    Indeed it does

    now then who wants fable 2 gameplay?

    I DO!!!

    Log in to see links


    EDIT: Im getting a 360 on monday just for this game
    DAmnnnnn i can't waitt, when is it out on the pc?next week? next month?tomorrow? I need it now!!!!!

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