Oy is a location based messaging app unlike any other.
Oy contains location based feed, chat rooms and people. you can meet share and talk to people in your city, college or even in the mall.
Share your moments with people near you, from your point of view.
Get help, recommendations or direction from people from where you are standing.
People Nearby
Meet new people near you and make instant connections, anytime anywhere.
Groups & Communities
Create a private or a public chat room for your group or community.
Join a group or a community based on your location and participate in the discussion.
Quick Oy Message
Send a quick Oy message to your friends or someone close to you, just to let them know you're there or as an excuse to start a conversation.
Start a conversation with your friends or people nearby.

Requires Android: 4.0 and up / Content Rating: Medium Maturity

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