The Android Validation Queue IS automated (as far as I know)!
If You (BluSky) have some Android files in queue that don't get validated for a long period of time there might be a bug in the validation system or the files were altered/edited disabling the validation system to auto-validate them - that would be my guess.
If I were You I'd simply upload the never versions and see what happens - worst case the elder versions will get refused as "Old Version".
Enabling automated validation on other/all categories has been discussed multiple times , the conclusion was that too much unnecessary junk would end up in the gallery polluting it - I for one agree with that.
Please note that all categories that are NOT validated automatically are being validated by Moderators , real people sitting in front of their PC's , and that they do this voluntarily on their own free time!
Also note that You can have up to 100 files pending in validation queue.
I agree that files sitting in validation queue for a long period of time can be discouraging to an uploader , but one must consider that just as You need time to prep and upload a file so do we Moderators to validate them.
Thank You for all Your contributions!