Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Default requesting 2 bluetooth things

    can any 1 get me super bluetooth but the one were they dont have to accsept you to go on there phone
    and could you get me Bluechat [a chating thing like msn over bluetooth]

  2. Default

    As far as i know there isnt a version of Bt info that doesnt need accepting, either that or it hasn't been released to the public yet lol.

  3. Default

    there is my m8 has it but he deled the instal thing he even got on my fone without me accspeting it

  4. Default

    it was because u were on his devices -.-'' and it was on always allow no permission needed. - bluechat
    Last edited by kumail786; 29-02-2008 at 06:35 PM.

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