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  1. Default How to read the ebooks?

    A recently downloaded a few ebooks, which I want to read on my laptop. The ebooks are in JAR format, something which I am unfamiliar with. Can anybody please help me in viewing the ebooks.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by punitpankaj Log in to see links
    A recently downloaded a few ebooks, which I want to read on my laptop. The ebooks are in JAR format, something which I am unfamiliar with. Can anybody please help me in viewing the ebooks.
    IMO, file .jar is an e-book for mobile phone..
    transfer it to your phone in order to read..
    Last edited by loggingin; 29-12-2010 at 09:29 AM.

  3. Default

    Is there a way to convert the .jar ebook so that it can be viewed on a PC?

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