Sony Ericsson W595 Review

Please post your Sony Ericsson W595 reviews and opinions in this topic.

Sony Ericsson W595 - benchmark:

JBenchmark 1.0
Score: 6935
Text: 2146
2D Shapes: 1726
3D Shapes: 883
Fill Rate: 645
Animation: 1535

JBenchmark 2.0
Score: 916
Image Manipulation: 270
Text: 614
Sprites: 525
3D Transform: 602
User Interface: 12249

JBenchmark 3D (3.0)
HighQuality Score:450
LowQuality Score:471
Triangles p.s.:34899
KTexels p.s.:1590

JBenchmark HD (4.0)
Rendering Quality:
Bilinear filtering: Success (96%)
Trilinear filtering: Failure (84%)
Sub-pixel precise perspective correction: Success (98%)
Z-buffer depth: Success (16 bit or higher)
Smooth triangles: 36226
Textured triangles: 31827
Fill rate: 1396 kTexels
Gaming: 162 (5.4 fps)

SPMark Java06
Score: 2130
2D (fps):33.8
3D (fps): 11.7
Fillrate (kTexels/s): 3635
Polygon (kVertices/s): 21.5
PNG: 66
JVM: 1901

DisplayBench v1.5.5
CPU Tests
CPU Score: 101
Mem Score: 471
Int Score: 267
Float Score: 984 / 128490 FLOPS
Copy: 261 KB/s
Read: 710 KB/s
2D Tests
Polygon Draw: 235
Color Draw: 134
Circle Draw: 193
Graphics Draw: 245
Smoothed Edge: 123
Filled 143664 pixels at 61256 Pixels/s

The benchmarks are 1-pass values.

The Sony Ericsson W595 has no problems running "heavy" 1MB Gameloft java games (K800i and W910i games) and the game-play is nice and smooth.