(Source - Lanka-e-News 18.May.2010 11.55PM) Log in to see links

Nature’s wrath on those who have imprisoned General who won the war for them -JVP Secretary

JVP Gen. Secretary Tilvin Silva speaking at a media briefing at JVP Headquarters at Pelawatte , Battraramulla , said , it is true that during a war anything can happen , but, after the war is over it is the duty of the Govt. to act with caution . The Govt. had not taken measures to provide solace or give relief to the Tamil people who faced the worst plight following the war , he added.

After the war , every step taken by the Govt. towards the Tamil people is to hamper the national peace and harmony .

The house where Prabahakran lived and the statues which were erected by the LTTE have been destroyed by the Army , according to reports.

Answering questions raised by the media , Silva said, because some mistrust and suspicion arose between the Sinhala and Tamil races in SL , the country got pushed to that dire situation. This finally transformed into a war.. Because of the war , there was a lot of bloodshed.. A great devastation resulted. . Hence , the Govt. ought to heal the bruises of that community and contribute in that direction to mentally and morally boost them

The Govt. is still collecting nation building tax. But , so far the displaced people in the war and the disabled soldiers and those maimed had not been provided with welfare .

The grateful people will remember Gen . Fonseka who won the war for them. Nowhere in the world such a victory has been accomplished. The sole architect of the war victory and War Hero is imprisoned., For this injustice there is a natural reaction – the nature’s wrath – the torrential rains wreaking havoc at the time when the Govt. is trying to celebrate the first anniversary of the war victory leaving out Fonseka is testimony of the curse. The Govt. is compelled to postpone the celebration. The war was carried out with plans. That was why it was finished. . But the Govt. has no plans . After the war ended it is at its wits end not knowing what it should do for the country’s future.

At this juncture when the war victory is being celebrated , the nation does not seem to be interested . This is because the Govt. did not acknowledge this victory as that of the people. Rather , it is projecting the picture that it is the victory of the party and of the Rajapakse family .Last year on May 18th , all the Sri Lankan people came to the streets rejoicing over the war victory to go ahead as one nation on the same road. But , what the Govt. did was exploiting the war victory and holding four elections at immense cost. The people were led to believe thereby , that the Govt. is treating the war victory as its private victory.. Consequently , the nation had now lost the national feeling , fervor and enthusiasm they had then, Tilvin pointed out.


1. Tilvin Silva - JVP Gen. Secretary