View Poll Results: What is your opinion about World of Dragons
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It's really interesting
14 73.68% -
It's not too bad
2 10.53% -
I don't care
3 15.79%
Results 1 to 10 of 12
15-03-2010, 03:58 PM #1
Mega Review: World of Dragons
World of Dragons
Mobile Game Review
Title: World of Dragons
Developer: LemonQuest
Publisher: LemonQuest
Version: Gold v1.06
Release Date for mobile version: November 11, 2009
Release Date for PC version: December 16, 2009
Format: J2ME for mobiles and exe for PC
Genre: Log in to see links
Reviewed on: SE W580i and PC
Official website: Log in to see links
Game Features: Wide variety of characters, over 200 NPCs, more than 2000 different weapons and 500 inventory items, hours and hours of gameplay.
Forty years ago, a great evil came upon the land of Iglion. The infamous Black Dragon which was defeated by the great hero Adair and he gave up his life to save his people and land. Now, rumours speak of a dark ceremony which has been planned by a greedy and ambitious human, Pirlara, to seal the dark dragon’s soul in his body to gain immense power. There is only one way to bring their beloved peace back to Iglion: by putting together the four pieces of the amulet which Adair used to defeat the Black Dragon, will you be the hero?
First things first, sorry for the delay in reviews, I’ve been really busy and I’m still busy but I really needed a good eye-catching game to be reviewed and this was it. Recently after getting a good internet plan for my mobile, I decided to try this game out since I had wanted to do this since the game had been released and now I had my chance.
World of Dragons(WOD) is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) and to play it on your mobile you will need an internet connection(WAP/GPRS/Wi-Fi). The best thing about this game is, it is completely FREE except for some premium stuff and you can download the game from the official website free of charge. You need to register to be able to login to the game each time you play it. LemonQuest(LQ) has released a PC version of the game too and you can download it from the official website too. The best thing about this game is, you can play it both from your phone and your PC. After login you can access your account anywhere, in your PC or your Mobile Phone (or any other phone). This means you don’t need to restart your game and you can continue your game regardless of where you play it.
Coming to the game features, LQ has done a superb job with the game, it features the vast region of Iglion, a huge country, home to a wide variety of races, creatures and wonderful locations. Iglion has been designed to give gamers hours of fun by just travelling from one place to another. Gamers will need HOURS to walk along the whole map once you've unlocked all the world areas. Credits go to the Playmore(tm) technology for which, your adventures will never end, since World of Dragons can be expanded with new maps, characters, stories, items and enemies. Yes, this game promises hours and hours of fun-filled and action packed gameplay. With over 200 Non-playable characters(NPCs) this game has all the elements required for an awesome RPG.
You get to choose your character from four different races and six different vocations. There are over 2000 different weapons including swords, shields, maces, daggers and lots more. It includes lots of spells and more than 500 different inventory items. You can evolve you character from a mere level 1 to a mighty level 60. It includes more than 40 different monsters. A rough estimate says that it takes about 20 hours to complete the main quest and about 50 odd hours to complete the secondary quests. In short this game holds all promise of being a good RPG. An essential factor in all MMORPG is socialization. WOD features a vast number of options dedicated to let the players interact with each other. Each server can hold up to 2000 players, players can chat with each other, team up to share experience points, exchange items, trade and even battle with other players. In case you have any difficulty, the game has an option for contacting the game master.
The graphics are simple but really great and LQ has done a great job by making the maximum out of the minimum, they have reduced loading times for the maps and different areas but the graphics are unbelievable compared to the loading times. The world of Iglion is rich and colourful and is a real treat to the eyes. The game music of the PC version is really good and the tunes are quite musical and pleasing to the ear, the music of the mobile version is more or less the same as the PC version but loading problems often take place with the sound on.
Battles are turn-based in this game and my advice is to take out all monsters close to your level to gain good exp and level up. You can level up faster if you do more secondary missions. Iglion is an open world so you can go wherever you want and this makes the game more interesting. WOD features a vast world full of creatures, quests and of course, living beings. You get to meet lots of people and do quests for them. Gameplay consists of two modes namely, exploration and combat mode. In the exploration mode, you can move freely around the world using the navigation keys or the 2,4,6 and 8 numpad keys and interact with other players, NPCs, enemies and objects available to collect, investigate or use. While in exploration mode, you can access the game menu that gives you access to a whole bunch of game options to improve your character, manage your inventory and socialize with other players. You can access the menu by pressing Left Function Key or pressing on "MENU". In the combat mode, when your turn arrives, you can perform any of the Actions configured in your Actions Panel. You can access them quickly by pressing buttons 1, 3, 7, 9 and *.You can modify the actions that you can see in this panel by using the "Hot Key" option in your game menu. You can have up to 12 different actions in your Actions Panel. You can put skills and objects in the different slots, so you can put special attacks, potions or scrolls.The Flee Action lets you escape from combat. This is not possible if the enemy is too strong and even if you manage to escape, you have a risk to be injured, dead or even lose some exp points.
The storyline is quite interesting, it starts with the legend of Adair a great hero, who had defeated a great evil that had come upon the land of Iglion, the infamous Black Dragon. An epic battle was staged that lasted for ten days. By the very last day, both Adair and the evil dragon fought almost to the point of death. Using his last drop of strength, Adair called upon the magic force of a special amulet. This amulet was made up from 4 different coloured mystic stones which, when used together, created immense power. His plan was successful. The amulet gave the last crippling blow to the dragon, incapacitating him. However, it cost Adair his last breath, as it required all of his energy to bring the amulet’s power forth. As time passed and the dragon was safely sealed away, the amulet became a matter of contention. No one could decide who should keep it since it would cause an imbalance of power in the land of Iglion. So the humans, elves, dark elves, and orcs all came to the decision that the amulet had to be disassembled so that no one could abuse its power in the future. Each race was given one piece of the amulet, each containing a different coloured stone, to keep it safe and not to let the four pieces fall into the wrong hands. Now, after forty years, a dark ceremony has been planned by the ambitious and greedy Pirlara to release the dragon. As the date of the ceremony draws near, chaos is overtaking Iglion. Earthquakes and volcanoes wreak havoc upon the land, monsters appear from nowhere, and the peace that was their sanity and security evaporates more day by day. People believe that in order to triumph again, once and for all, they must all unite- human, elf, dark elf, and orc. They can only pray for a new hero that can bring the tribes together and save the land from the dark evil that threatens to resurge again…
I had great fun reviewing this game and LQ has done a great job with this game. In my opinion; WOD is clearly the best MMORPG that has been developed for mobile phones till date. Its vast features make WOD better than any other RPG game in the market. In case you don’t have internet in your phone and you really want to play this game, do not be disheartened, you can always login from your PC and play the PC version which is the same as the mobile version.
Special advice
The World of Dragons mobile version features a client technology that downloads all game data from an external server to allow the game to be much bigger than any mobile phone could handle.
So, because of this, playing World of Dragons needs to download around 2-3 MB / Hour of gameplay. If you’re having broadband and playing it on your PC, that’s fine. However, if your playing it on your mobile, if you have access to a Wi-Fi and you can connect it with your mobile phone or if you have a plain-rate GPRS connection, meaning you have contracted with your operator for a fix sum / month for downloading data to your mobile. This will make the game free to use in your handset. Contact to your operator to check prices for this, since most countries have very good offers for this lately. If you don't have any of the two recommended options and you still want to play, keep in mind that the traffic data will have a cost for you.
Exploration screen
Combat screen
PC version screen
Gameplay screens
Graphics: 9/10
Excellent and well detailed.
Sound: 8/10
Great sound, superb music.
Gameplay: 9.5/10
Simple and easy to master.
Features: 9.8/10
Has all the elements of an RPG.
Story: 9/10
Really Interesting.
Overall Score: 9.5 out of 10
gold.jpgLast edited by the_dead_man; 15-03-2010 at 11:32 PM.
15-03-2010, 04:44 PM #2
Excellent job on the review. Hats off
15-03-2010, 05:01 PM #3
I have an internet plan too! Add me on world of dragons! My name there is Gooblaster
15-03-2010, 05:05 PM #4
cool bro nice rep+
Signature exceeds allowed size.
15-03-2010, 05:48 PM #5
Great review
19-03-2010, 09:50 PM #6
I wish I voted for "It's really interesting"
I didn't know it's a MMORPG
20-03-2010, 07:51 AM #7
Good job bro!
+rep!Keep Rocking, Game On.....
Lord Buddha's Way Is The Path To Freedom, Enlightenment & Bliss...
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20-03-2010, 10:28 AM #8
Superb review mate..
But for some weird reason I never get it work in my phone
Poor internet connection I guess..
20-03-2010, 12:58 PM #9
Originally Posted by fraziel Log in to see links
21-03-2010, 12:51 PM #10
Originally Posted by fraziel Log in to see links