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  1. Default Help, whats the trick to ring tones?

    I am a new user, obviously, and I saved some ringtones to my PC. I then connected phone to PC and copied the files from my PC to my phone via mass storage option. ringtones are on my card but when I try to open my ringtones it states that they are not any there??? HELP Please
    I have a Samsung Alias 2 (Verizon) if that matters. Thanks.
    Last edited by JamesD17; 16-01-2010 at 06:18 PM. Reason: Spelling & adding

  2. Default

    Try copying them to the phone instead of mem. card.


    If you put them in a set ringtone folder, move them out of it.
    If you put them outside the ringtone folder, put them in it...

  3. Default

    you could also try changing the connection type if you have the option, ie music transfer or data, just to see if that solves the problem, but you should be able to do it in mass storage. check your phone settings as well in case there are any conflicts to what youre trying to do.



  4. Default

    I have the same phone same problem. If i convert mp3 files to qcp files i can transfer them but you lose sound quality. Talked to my carrier(verizon) they say i should be able to transfer mp3 to my phone but they still can't help me do it.

  5. #5


    i dont have a prob transferring misic to my phone but hot probs when doin it to my dads new phone, so to solve the issue, i simply took the mem card out of phone and stuck it in the mem card slot on my pc and transferred the mp3's by draggin them onto the mem card, then sinply put mem card back into phone and hey presto, done without a prob

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