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  1. Default How to burn CD into Video CD?

    I wanna watch some of my clips on television but I don't know how to work this thing on.I have Nero 7 installed on my computer but it doesnt work when I burn it into a Video CD.So I wanna ask if any of you can help solve my problem.

    Please tell me what should I do to burn an empty CD into a video CD that can be watched through television.Should I install anything or what? Thanks

  2. Default

    If you want to watch something on your TV and from a disc,take a DVD, not a VCD or CD.
    DVDs are made for that.

  3. #3


    if your dvd player supports divx (and most of them do) than you dont need to do anything except copy the file on the cd / dvd (if its a divx .avi)

  4. Default

    So, I can't use a CD to watch it through television? && I don't have a DVD player cause I rarely watch DVDs.

    Is there any other way to watch em using a CD?

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