View Poll Results: Are the latest editions of Real Football better than their predecessors?
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Yes, the new ones are better
37 59.68% -
No, the previous versions were better
6 9.68% -
I'm a PES fan
14 22.58% -
I hate football
5 8.06%
Results 1 to 10 of 16
28-09-2009, 11:38 AM #1
Mega Review: Real Football 2010 & Real Football Manager 2010
Real Football 2010 & Real Football Manager 2010
Mobile Game Review
Title: Real Football 2010 & Real Football Manager 2010
Developer: Gameloft
Publisher: Gameloft
Release Date: September, 2009
Format: J2ME
Genre: Sport
Reviewed on: SE W580
Versions Reviewed: SE 1 Mb K800i versions.
Game Features: : Interconnectivity between both the games, real player names, besides this, RF features a wide variety of game modes and RFM features an impressive variety of management options.
Real Football is back again and so is Real Football Manager. On hearing this one might ask, what’s the big deal? Well, this time it’s bigger and better. Keep that in mind I’m talking about the full version of both the games, because Gameloft is infamous for making cut-off versions which are really poor most of the times in terms of graphics, gameplay and sound. Enough about Gameloft, coming back to the games, you can take part in a wide variety of leagues in RF, and manage a team in RFM for as many seasons as you wish and the best part is, you can use the interconnectivity feature to play with the team you manage in RF. With over 4000 real players and 245 teams, you can’t afford to miss these two games.
Reviewing two games together is never easy, but i felt these two games needed to be reviewed together because not only are they interconnected but also, they are similar in essentials though they might be two different games on the whole.
Let’s talk about Real Football (RF) first. With over 4000 players and 245 teams, this game is certainly the biggest football game ever made for mobiles till date. The game features 6 different game modes which are, Cup, League, Challenge, Multiplayer, Training and Penalty Kicks.
Coming to each of these game modes in detail, Cup has 3 varieties of competitions. The New International Cup, where 32 National teams compete among themselves in 8 groups, the European Cup, where 16 European National teams compete among themselves in 4 groups and finally the Club cup, where 32 Club teams compete against each other in 8 groups and the best part is you can use your custom team from Real Football Manager (RFM) to play the matches. There are two types of leagues, National league, where 32 National teams are split into 2 leagues and in one season, each team will play one match with the other 15 teams in its league and the Club league, where you can play club matches in different countries. The challenge mode is just like its predecessor, where you need to perform a specific task as demanded in the challenge. There are 17 different challenges to complete. In the multiplayer mode, you can play the game with your friends via Bluetooth. You can get your basics right and get acquainted with the game in the Training mode. Penalty kicks is basically a fun mode, where you can compete against another team in a challenging penalty shootout.
Besides these, you have other game options too. The friendly mode allows you to play an exhibition match against any team of your choice. Enter The Legend is a new game mode, where you will play an entire league season as a single player in the team. You get to select a team of your choice and play for it, consequently developing your character as you play through an entire season. It reminded me of a similar option in the PC version of FIFA, where you could play as one player in the team. So Gameloft has done well by adding this new game mode in RF. Club Master is a mode, where you get to manage a team for a whole league season and participate in 3 competitions, namely, cup, league and champion events. RF league is the longest event in the entire game, where you get to compete against other teams for a massive time period of 177 weeks. Lastly there’s the editor mode, where you can transfer players, edit team formations and team names according to your choice. On the whole, this game packs a lot of features and game modes which undoubtedly makes this a game worth playing.
Moving on to Real Football Manager (RFM), one of the best features of this game is undoubtedly its interconnectivity with RF 2010, thus you can build your dream team in RFM 2010, train it to be the best and then play with it in RF 2010. Going on to the features, with an impressive variety of management options from training schedules to team tactics, this game is the most sophisticated football management game for mobiles till date. There are different options for the manager (you) to use in your games during the season. You get to manage a team for an entire season, train up players by hiring coaches and using different training cards. You can improve training options by increasing the number of training slots from the club revenue. You can improve your stadium capacity and manage all your finances. There’s the transfer option, where you can hire scouts to help you in searching legendary players or in assessing players from existing clubs. You have full power in deciding your team’s formation, carrying out substitutions, deciding player positions, player tactics, team tactics, you can even decide who will take the free kicks, corners, penalties and who will be the captain. In short, you have the full power of a ‘real football manager’. There’s the news centre which shows you all the latest news and sends you messages of your upcoming matches and other important information. You can see your players play the matches live, but there’s also the simulate option where you can skip the actual action. You can set the in game speed while watching the match, an interesting feature no doubt. Players also suffer from injuries, so Gameloft has made a lot of effort in making these 2 games as real as possible.
Graphics of both the games are similar and there’s no doubt about the fact that they are superb. Both the games have rich, colourful environments. A lot of attention has been paid to detailing. The weather effects like sun, rain or snow make the game really interesting. Slide marks on the field, the manager kicking a water-bottle in frustration, the referee dishing out red or yellow cards, the celebration/disappointment of the players and the ground getting covered in confetti after the end of the match are really worth watching. Graphics haven’t changed too much since the last edition of RF and RFM, but it’s a fact that they are better in the new editions. The replay option has been retained in the new editions and it’s as good as ever. The game music of both the games is good, at least they are catchy tunes and I liked them. The sounds are realistic, with crowds applauding, players kicking the ball around and the referee blowing his whistle.
Gameplay of both RF & RFM have improved, but remained almost the same as their predecessors. The controls are really easy to master. You can move around in all directions and keep pressing the ‘5’ key to make players perform automatic tackles and the ‘0’ key for sliding tackles. The ‘0’ key can also be used for making shots. Basically if you go through the training mode, you’ll get the basics of the game. Real players in both the games, thanks to the FIFPro license make both the games more ‘real’ and interesting.
I really enjoyed reviewing both the games and this review has been a bit long I know, but I tried my best to put in as much as I could about both the games and keep it short and simple at the same time. On the whole, these 2 are the best football games for mobile phones undoubtedly and are a must have for any football lover out there.
Real Football 2010
Graphics: 9.5/10
Excellent and well detailed.
Sound: 9/10
Great sound, superb music.
Gameplay: 8.7/10
Simple and easy.
Features: 9/10
Exhaustive and wide variety of game modes.
Overall Score: 9.4 out of 10
Real Football Manager 2010
Graphics: 9.5/10
Excellent and well detailed.
Sound: 9/10
Good tunes and great sound effects
Gameplay: 8.9/10
Superb gameplay.
Features: 9/10
Impressive management features.
Overall Score: 9.5 out of 10
28-09-2009, 11:48 AM #2
I think that Real Football is better
and Great Review
28-09-2009, 11:48 AM #3
Wow, now that's a great review Dip...
Continue with the good job...
"We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond."
28-09-2009, 12:02 PM #4
Great review Dip!
28-09-2009, 06:10 PM #5
Proficient, as always
28-09-2009, 07:43 PM #6
im with real football, great review
28-09-2009, 09:58 PM #7
Great review dip
30-09-2009, 07:19 AM #8
Next Review:
Nitro Street Racing 2
21-10-2009, 10:24 AM #9
why my real football 2010 all the transfer not done??
19-11-2009, 08:40 PM #10
Originally Posted by the_dead_man Log in to see links