Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Default Hi ! Just a quick message to present myself

    My name is Jenny, im 32 and I am very new here! I found this website last
    night and thought it'd be a great place to meet some nice and fun people.I like travelling a lot, i usually live in
    Virginia...but very soon i ll find my self so far. I ll be in Shanghai for few months.
    Hope i ll find some interesting friends here to talk to.
    Jenny Santos

  2. Thumbs up

    Hello Jenny, welcome i'm sure that you find nice and fun people here

    something for everyone

  3. Default

    Hi Jenny...

    And welcome to Mobiles24...

    Shane, from Mauritius Island...

    "We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond."

  4. Default welcome

    Hi Jenny, welcome to you ! I am new too to this forum. It seems to be a really interesting one.
    Very happy to meet everyone here !
    I saw that you gonna move to Shanghai. It is a great city you know. Been living there for over 15 years.
    If you need any advice do not hesitate to ask.I'll be happy to help you.
    shen Bo

  5. Default

    I have been to Shanghai three years ago. It is a big and famous city. Hope you enjoy your stay there.

  6. Default

    Hi Jenny,
    Welcome! And is Shanghai in China? It's a magic city. Hope you can have a fun there!

  7. #7



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