I have searched the Forums and i did not find any game like this one.
It's called Tic-Tac-Toe, most of you are familiar with it, i am sure of it.

Either way, please dedicate some minutes to read all of the followings.
Thank you...

The Tic-Tac-Toe game, it goes like this --->

This game is played by 2 people.
The 1st player chooses the letter "X" or the number "0".
Please choose the letter "X" or the number "0" (NOT the letter "O", because it messes up with the sketch size. Thank you.

Afterwards, he/she places that particular letter in 1 of the 9 blank spots into the sketch below --->

[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]

Then, the other person that he/she plays with, places the letter "X" or the number "0" in 1 of the 8 blank spots into the sketch below.
The 2nd player has to place the one that the previous person did NOT pick.

For instance...
I pick the letter "X" and i am gonna put it in 1 of the 9 blank spots --->

[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ X ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]

The 2nd player has the number "0" constrainedly.
So, lets say he/she places that number "0" into the sketch --->

[ _ ] [ _ ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ X ] [ _ ]
[ _ ] [ 0 ] [ _ ]

And so on....

Goal: The winner is the person that sequentially has placed the letter "X" or the number "0" vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Note: To this game might be a draw (tie).

Rules: When a game ends, then another one can begin from anyone else.
But, please...when a game is in progress...don't get in the middle of it until it reaches at the end.
Every game constitutes of only 2 players.
Please try to avoid complications.

P.S.: Please always copy the sketch from the previous post, so that the game will flow smoothly, and place the letter "X" or the number "0" in the sketch, according to what you have picked, or what you have left with ( because as i stated previously, the 1st player chooses the letter "X" or the number "0", and the 2nd player has the one that the 1st player did NOT pick ).

Thank you very much for reading the whole thing.

Now, lets begin playing...