View Poll Results: Is Medal Of Honor Airborne one of the best World War games?

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  • Definitely!

    9 60.00%
  • Not really

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  • I am a COD fan

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  • Haven't played this yet

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  1. Default Review: Medal Of Honor Airborne (2D & 3D)

    Medal Of Honor : Airborne

    Mobile Game Review

    Title: Medal Of Honor Airborne
    Developer: Ironmonkey Studios
    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Release Date: 03/09/2007
    Format: J2ME
    Game Features: Thrilling storyline, long missions.
    Reviewed on: SE W580 and Nokia 5300
    Versions Reviewed: 2D and 3D


    You are Boyd Travers, a fearless soldier with a heroic future. Join the 82nd airborne division and jump into exciting, action packed battles from the World War II. Fight with your allies as you make your way to Germany and achieve glory by defeating your opposition. Take part in famous WWII battles like D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge. Use your cover wisely to survive lethal enemy attacks and with a wide array of weapons, you’ll have the firepower you need to succeed.


    This week I’ve thought of reviewing MoH : Airborne since I like games based on the World Wars, like the Medal of Honor series of games.
    Let’s talk about the storyline first. The story is based on the Second World War(WW II) where you play as Boyd Travers. Being a part of the airborne division, you (and sometimes others members of the division) begin each level by parachuting into a new battlefield. The game consists of six missions, if you think that seems to be a bit short, think again because each mission is gruelling and take a minimum of eight to ten minutes to complete. You’ll have to fight your way through scores of enemies and complete your objectives on the way. Sandbags are your lifeline as they provide valuable cover. Walking up to them automatically initiates your soldier to take cover and a visual indicator in the shape of a blue circle beneath your feet shows that you’re safe. If it turns red, beware as that indicates you’re in danger of being shot. MoH : Airborne is just not any other shoot ‘em up action game. It’s very strategic and you’ll have to use both your cover and your weapons wisely in order to complete the missions. In each mission, supply crates are scattered around the ground which contain vital items such as grenades, medikits, rifles, sniping rifles and flares. Grenades are particularly handy in taking down turrets or enemy squads, while letting off a flare calls in support from your allies. Sniper rifles are particularly helpful in taking down enemy snipers and enemies operating mortar cannons. Medikits replenish your health instantly.

    Going on to the missions, the basic objective of each mission is to clear out all the enemies and destroy enemy supplies and equipment along the way. However each mission is different from the rest as the enemy troops have different types of weapons and use a wide variety of tactics. In several missions there are snipers. Roaming red crosshairs follow you everywhere and if you stay out of cover for too long, you’re a dead man. There are enemies operating on mortar cannons too. These weapons are slow but deadly and even attack you when you’re taking cover behind sandbags. Progressing through the levels, you’ll find the number of enemies and the variety of weapons used keep increasing, so you’ll have to chalk out a different strategy in each mission. Your regenerating life bar is a boon as it helps you conquer even the most difficult missions.

    Coming to the graphics, the graphics of the 3D version are good, well textured with proper isometric projections, however there’s still room for improvement. Overall they are pretty decent and make the game enjoyable. But the 2D version of the game has really poor graphics. They are decent, but there’s a lot of room for improvement. Soldiers are too small in size and often seems like a bunch of dots are moving all around the screen. The main menu music is superb in case of both the 2D and 3D versions of the game, however there’s no in game music, but I don’t think that’s something to complain about because in most WW games there’s rarely any music playing while you’re on a mission. Sounds of gun-shots and soldiers dying sound pretty realistic in the 3D version and it suits the game. But that’s not the case in the 2D version and the sound effects are pretty average.

    Gameplay is superb and controls are really easy to master. Moving is done with the joystick or the keypad. On coming close to an enemy, your rifle auto-locks the target so shooting has never been easier. The right soft-key enables you to change your weapon. Covering behind sandbags is done automatically and this makes gameplay smooth and easy. Dynamites are auto-enabled when you are close to enemy equipment that is to be destroyed, so you just have to press the ‘fire’ button to trigger the dynamite. You get to use a wide variety of weapons and this makes the game more interesting.


    So is Medal of Honor Airborne just another shooter game? The answer is definitely a big no. The WW battles based on real life scenes and environments make the game impressive and there are enough missions to keep you busy with shooting and ducking for some time and at the end of the day it will keep you wanting for more.


    3D version


    3D Version

    Graphics: 8.6/10
    Good graphics, has a scope for improvement.

    Sound: 8/10
    Quite decent, good main menu music.

    Gameplay: 8.8/10
    Easy controls, smooth gameplay.

    Story: 9/10
    Excellent storyline.

    Overall Score: 8.8 out of 10


    2D Version

    Graphics: 6/10
    Could be better.

    Sound: 7/10
    Pretty Average.

    Gameplay: 8.5/10
    Good gameplay, just like the 3D version.

    Story: 9/10
    Excellent storyline, same as the 3D version.

    Overall Score: 7.6 out of 10

    Last edited by the_dead_man; 05-07-2009 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #2


    great review

  3. Default

    Good work dip Not really my type of game but +rep

  4. #4


    Great review Dip!

  5. #5


    Great review!!!!Congrats Dip

  6. #6


    Great review! Good job bro! Keep it up!
    Keep Rocking, Game On.....
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