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  1. #1

    Wink You know you are a Geek if…

    I know this isn't new to you, but anyway you know you are a Geek if...

    * You’ve ever used a computer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend.
    * You'd rather communicate with people via e-mail, text messaging, instant message, or Twitter, then face to face, because "it's just easier that way."
    * You can identify various cell phones by model by their unique sounds (And are visibly irritated when you CAN'T!)
    * Setting up the Bluetooth system to tie the GPS, Laptop, MP3 player and hands free system is a piece of cake. Changing the tire isn't.
    * You seriously have considered or have had a breakfast comprised of Cookies, Soda pop and potato chips.
    * The local Pizza shop is on speed dial.
    * You have ever tried to impress people with an emulator on your cell phone.
    * Your Digital camera has Wifi.
    * You can understand 90% of the acronyms out there. But you can't spell Mississsauga or Missisisippi.
    * You say phrases like “Make it so!”.
    * You realize your laptop is worth more than your car.
    * You find yourself interrupting the computer store salesman to correct something he said.
    * You think that when people around you yawn, it’s because they didn’t get enough sleep.
    * Your friends use you as tech support.
    * You comment about the brand of computer they are using in a movie or tv show.
    * You have an LCD monitor 20” or greater, or a multiple monitor setup.
    * You’ve ever named a computer.
    * You passionately argue the virtues of (pick ‘em): Windows vs. Apple vs. Linux / ATI vs. nVidia / AMD vs. Intel / LCD vs. Plasma / Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. / HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray / USB vs. Firewire / Jobs vs. Gates / etc. etc…
    * You can’t carry on a conversation without talking about computers.
    * Co-workers have to eMail you about the fire alarm to get you out of the building.
    * You know what http:/ stands for
    * You have more friends in the ‘virtual world’ than in real life!
    * You receive any eMail from your spouse spouse sends you an e-mail instead of calling you to dinner
    * You thought the real heroes of “Apollo 13” were the mission controllers
    * You stare at an orange juice container because it says CONCENTRATE
    * You check the national weather service web page for current weather conditions (rather than look out the window).
    * You know more URLs than street addresses.
    * Your pet has a web page.
    * You get excited about RSS or Web 2.0.
    * You send eMail to someone sitting next to you.
    * You would sell your grandmother for more bandwidth.
    * You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
    * You have ever chatted with someone while talking to them on the phone.
    * You are surprised that there are other real foods besides pizza.
    * You buy soap and shampoo online.
    * World of Warcraft is constantly on your to-do list.
    * You can recognize your own IP address.
    * YourPC has 4GB of RAM OR MORE.
    * You can picture the layout of a motherboard in your head, but can't find your car keys
    * You get up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop to check your eMail on your way back to bed.
    * You have more e-mail addresses than you do pairs of shoes.
    * You get depressed when you get less than 10 e-mail msgs a day.
    * You plan to get two Masters degrees.
    * There's a newsgroup dedicated to you because of your netly activities.
    * Sleep and nightime are no longer irrevocably linked.
    * You get REALLY excited when people from countries with limited access to the net are frequent visitors to your pages.
    * You organize your CDs, so the tops all face upward, alphabetically, or by record label.
    * You do your best work after 11 p.m.
    * You have ever dozed off while at the computer.
    * You have e-mailed yourself.
    * You idea of a romantic evening with your wife/husband consists of you both getting together in a private chat room.
    * You think being called geek is something cool.
    * And finally: You’ve gotten this far READING THIS LIST!
    Last edited by RaulRey; 26-03-2009 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by RaulRey Log in to see links
    I know this isn't new to you, but anyway you know you are a Geek if...

    * You’ve ever used a computer on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend.
    * You can identify various cell phones by model by their unique sounds (And are visibly irritated when you CAN'T!)
    * Setting up the Bluetooth system to tie the GPS, Laptop, MP3 player and hands free system is a piece of cake. Changing the tire isn't.
    * You seriously have considered or have had a breakfast comprised of Cookies, Soda pop and potato chips.
    * The local Pizza shop is on speed dial.
    * You have ever tried to impress people with an emulator on your cell phone.
    * Your Digital camera has Wifi.
    * You can understand 90% of the acronyms out there. But you can't spell Mississsauga or Missisisippi.
    * You say phrases like “Make it so!”.
    * You realize your laptop is worth more than your car.
    * You find yourself interrupting the computer store salesman to correct something he said.
    * You think that when people around you yawn, it’s because they didn’t get enough sleep.
    * Your friends use you as tech support.
    * You comment about the brand of computer they are using in a movie or tv show.
    * You have an LCD monitor 20” or greater, or a multiple monitor setup.
    * You’ve ever named a computer.
    * You passionately argue the virtues of (pick ‘em): Windows vs. Apple vs. Linux / ATI vs. nVidia / AMD vs. Intel / LCD vs. Plasma / Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. / HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray / USB vs. Firewire / Jobs vs. Gates / etc. etc…
    * You can’t carry on a conversation without talking about computers.
    * Co-workers have to eMail you about the fire alarm to get you out of the building.
    * You know what http:/ stands for
    * You have more friends in the ‘virtual world’ than in real life!
    * You receive any eMail from your spouse spouse sends you an e-mail instead of calling you to dinner
    * You thought the real heroes of “Apollo 13” were the mission controllers
    * You stare at an orange juice container because it says CONCENTRATE
    * You check the national weather service web page for current weather conditions (rather than look out the window).
    * You know more URLs than street addresses.
    * Your pet has a web page.
    * You get excited about RSS or Web 2.0.
    * You send eMail to someone sitting next to you.
    * You would sell your grandmother for more bandwidth.
    * You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
    * You get up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop to check your eMail on your way back to bed.
    * You have more e-mail addresses than you do pairs of shoes.
    * You get depressed when you get less than 10 e-mail msgs a day.
    * You plan to get two Masters degrees.
    * There's a newsgroup dedicated to you because of your netly activities.
    * Sleep and nightime are no longer irrevocably linked.
    * You get REALLY excited when people from countries with limited access to the net are frequent visitors to your pages.
    * You organize your CDs, so the tops all face upward, alphabetically, or by record label.
    * You do your best work after 11 p.m.
    * You have ever dozed off while at the computer.
    * You have e-mailed yourself.
    * You have ever chatted with someone while talking to them on the phone.
    * You are surprised that there are other real foods besides pizza.
    * And finally: You’ve gotten this far READING THIS LIST!
    Well, I fulfill most the characteristics...

    Anyway, good post! + rep

  3. #3


    I know that i am a Greek.......
    Last edited by Chris; 26-03-2009 at 09:06 AM.

  4. Default

    Maybe I have 4-5 characteristics of being a geek

  5. #5


    2 of the list represent i dont think im that much of a geek

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Log in to see links
    I know that i am a Greek.......

    i think i fulfill almost all the points

  7. #7


    i have some characteristics it would seem

  8. Default

    I have about 4 of them..some don't apply; I don't have a car or a granny

  9. Default

    * You can understand 90% of the acronyms out there. But you can't spell Mississsauga or Missisisippi.

    doesn't apply in my case

    Quote Originally Posted by t-mac2008 Log in to see links
    i have some characteristics it would seem
    * Your pet has a web page.??

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by the_dead_man Log in to see links
    i think i fulfill almost all the points
    So this means you are a Greek.....

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