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  1. #1

    Cool Kraze Race 3D

    Kraze Race 3D (multiscreen) [Java]

    [IMG]http://3.bp.********.com/_yOSF3pvWFN0/SWYQz_eDkcI/AAAAAAAABx8/1ndXIbV1dOo/s320/Capture_184_cr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://3.bp.********.com/_yOSF3pvWFN0/SWYQz-kXaSI/AAAAAAAABx0/ctm8rtpvSDU/s320/Capture_185_cr.jpg[/IMG]

    [IMG]http://1.bp.********.com/_yOSF3pvWFN0/SW5FkjGyWKI/AAAAAAAAB9k/VorFJ1rl_b8/s320/kraze_race_3d_2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://3.bp.********.com/_yOSF3pvWFN0/SW5FkgHQLRI/AAAAAAAAB9s/a5UuaXPf1g8/s320/kraze_race_3d_4.jpg[/IMG]

    Log in to see links
    Last edited by sajeer; 15-01-2009 at 06:42 AM. Reason: more screenshots added

  2. Default

    thanks for the game

  3. #3


    is it in english

  4. #4



  5. #5


    Please use English for title and in your post's

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Log in to see links
    Please use English for title and in your post's
    Or rather use normal fonts.

  7. Default

    Have edited it.

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