ZntxHan v1.40

Choose the document which you want to translate and open it, if you use the list means, the software will automatically search resources which can be translated and display them.

Move the cursor to where need to be translated and press the OK key ,then you can modify the contents.
Press the Dial key to use the on-line translation. If you want to change the types of PYC characters ,you need to add s> or u> prefix.
Hexadecimal requires users to identify their Chinese characters, and select the encoded input.
Pen key can be used mark characters, then you can use 9 key to switching shown codes, press dial key to translat, and the C key to delete.
you can find characters from the options, remember save the document after translating.
Software will automatically save a backup which you modify inthe same folder. The suffix is "_ bak". When you open the file,you can rename or delete it.
* # Key can quickly flip, 5 key is a short key to find the next point.
9 keys in the hexface can switch characters by the tag coding, in the listface to view pyc character types. Dial key to translate the word in the cursor.
Require attention:\n\n before use the software, you must backup the document, need to distinguish what resources need to translated.
Because some characters can not be modified, if you do it ,the software will can't open! Online translation needs networking, it will produce wap flow.
If you open the file by hexadecimal and don't use temporary files, software will not create a backup, all operators will make on the original documents.

What's new :
Optimized the algorithm of RSC's searching.

The application installed on phone is in Chinese language.
To change language , run the application...press left softkey...select second option...then again select second suboption to choose Russian language Or the third suboption to choose English language.