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  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by filani Log in to see links
    @ Hridoybd

    could you translate this game ,please ? Also i could not get HALO from the link ( russian)
    can't promise that I can translate that game. But will give a try if it is possible to translate for me.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by chelsearulz5 Log in to see links
    Alright so I am trying to translate a game from russian to english here.
    When I opened the txt file that had to be converted with notepad , what I got was gibberish and strange symbols. By changing the encoding, gibberish changed into Russian gibberish that I was able to translate using Google translate ; however the strange symbols still remain..
    can someone plz help me translate the attached file.??

    Some users might be offended with the text files content so process with caution..
    Ok I opened the text file. If you are talking about symbols like these "#095 OD 1 @F 096" in the text file, well they are the part of the game, don't delete them.
    By the way , when you are translating a text file, make sure the document formating is same as the original file, i.e, all the charater and symbols arf at the same place.
    If you need any help, you can ask me.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Smithv1024 Log in to see links
    Ok I opened the text file. If you are talking about symbols like these "#095 OD 1 @F 096" in the text file, well they are the part of the game, don't delete them.
    By the way , when you are translating a text file, make sure the document formating is same as the original file, i.e, all the charater and symbols arf at the same place.
    If you need any help, you can ask me.
    Thanx a lot mate
    What you see as "#095 OD 1 @F 096" i see as �..
    Which encoding did you select and which app you used to open the file??

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by chelsearulz5 Log in to see links
    Thanx a lot mate
    What you see as "#095 OD 1 @F 096" i see as �..
    Which encoding did you select and which app you used to open the file??
    I used Notepad++ (notepad plus plus), it is much better than the default notepad, it supports large number of encodings and many more features. You can download it from here Log in to see links

    Open the file in UTF-8 encoding, if you still see the strange symbols, then open it in Win 1251 encoding. Most of the russian files are encoded in Win 1251 encoding.

  5. Default

    I need help to play mobile game Bounce Back at level 17.

  6. Unhappy can u upload again the file pls...the link is dead....Help me

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Log in to see links
    What we need in order to translate:

    -MobiTrans(you can download it here:Log in to see links)

    First of all,the java games always are with the extension .jar
    Using WinRAR we extract the jar file into a folder and now we can see all of the .class files and the other game files.
    Now,there are many ways game companies save the language files and the most common ways are:they create a "lang" file that contains all the language files,or they save them as .txt

    Step 1

    1st case(Lang folder that contains archive files)
    We find the lang file and we open it.
    Inside we can see some archives with names like:"0","a","b" etc.
    Using the notepad we open the first one the file "0".
    We will see some languages such as "English","Espanol" etc.
    We change the name(for example "Espanol").

    If English is in 3rd line,that means that the English language file is the file "c" in the lang folder.So we find it and open it.Then we just have to translate all the words that are inside this file.That's an example(we try to translate english to spanish):

    Attachment 18775

    2nd case(Lang folder that contains lang files)
    In that case,inside the lang folder we can see some lang files.For example,the english language file is the file gb.lang

    Attachment 18776

    Then we right-click the lang file we want to translate and we clic at "View File".We just have to translate all the words that are in this file the same way as in 1st case.

    Step 2

    We open Mobitrans and then we open the lang file we want to translate:

    Attachment 18777

    Then we get this:

    Attachment 18779

    We just click to each of the line and translate it to the language we want:

    Attachment 18780

    We repeat this for all lines until they are all translated.
    After that we click at the save button and then ok(we don't care about the other options that there are).
    Then we return to the directory where we had decompressed the jar file and we can see that many files are created.
    From there we change the name (for exampleof the class "e.class" to "e.class.bac" and the file that MobiTrans named "" we rename it to "e. class "and do the same process with any other file type that we have
    translated with the program.

    Step 3

    We open the original application and we go to the directory where the original lang file is and we gar and drop the file we just translated.we click at ok or if the WinRAR asks you to replace the file just say yes and then we do the same process for each of the files that we have translated.
    Once we are done,we are ready to install the game to a mobile phone and play!!!

    can u upload again the file pls...the link is dead....Help me

  7. Default

    All download links not working in 2022, Please add halo download link, I can't download

  8. Default

    Some links can be downloaded, but some links cannot be opened. Thanks for sharing.
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    Our main focus at is to offer Log in to see links and servo motors through our online platform, with the aim of providing competitive prices and efficient services to ensure customer satisfaction.

  9. Default

    To translate games effectively, start by identifying key terms and dialogues. Use context and cultural references to maintain the original essence. Tools like glossaries can help streamline the process. For example, in games like Monkey Mart, ensure the humor and gameplay elements resonate with your target audience. Collaborative efforts with native speakers can enhance accuracy and engagement, making the overall gaming experience more enjoyable for players.
    Last edited by Barrycummings; 04-09-2024 at 08:33 AM.

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