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  1. Default

    How do you put Jar files onto the voyager from verizon. I want to get game and watch gallery three but i cant get it onto my phone

  2. Default

    If the Meboy doesn't make any sounds, it means that your phone isen't able to play it. I have the same thing with my nokia 3110c. Just play a mp3 music when playing or something. I do that too.

    Tell me what kind of phone you have (samsung, nokia,...) and how you transfer the games (USB, Bleutooth, WAP,...). I don't think I can help you if you don't tell me.

  3. Default

    Well dimitri862, i just got the LG-VX1000, or the verizon lg voyager (this my first time on this site) and when i tried the wapsit i didnt work. It start to open the new page after iput in the id and hit download but then immediatley stop. So i tried bluetooth, that started to work as well but then at the last second the computer says that either the phone or the computer cant open, use, or find the publisher of the file. As for USB i dont know how to do it by USB. I tried using bitpim ans was able to get an airhockey flash game on but i still want the game and watch gallery 3 from gamboy color
    Last edited by bondboy22; 11-09-2008 at 10:54 PM.

  4. Default R-quest

    Guys,can u help me to find Yu Gi Oh (English version,not Japan) games? My phone is Ericsson K610i. Thx n gd luck

  5. Default uploading soon.

    I'm going to upload DragonBallZ-LSW. I hope the sound works.
    Then, I'll upload a few Yu-Gi-Oh games. I hope they're in English.

    Any other reguests are welkom ;-)

  6. Default

    Dimitri862, can you help me You started to in your lasat post before the guy talking about yu-gi-oh can you help me please? i really need it.

  7. Exclamation

    I've send you a message on your profile.
    I'm afraid I can't help you.
    MeBoy is a project, still in the making.
    Recently there has been new langauges added in MeBoy.
    MeBoy doesn't support sound.

    But think: It started in 2007, though it was not perfect for smaller phones and you couldn't play colour games with it.

    btw: there is something wrong with the G&W galleries. They are all black and withe.
    I apologize for that.

    I'll keep posting requests with the latest version of MeBoy.
    Maybe someday it will work for:
    -every phone
    -games WITH sound

    Here is the official Meboy website:
    Log in to see links

  8. Default

    Hi Dimitri...very very good job,men! Dragon ball z LSW meboy has been uploaded by you...i'm so realy realy hapy ^.^
    but i'm use NOKIA 6280,and the game is stoped after intro...nothing game to play may it caused strentgth of my phone,dimitri ??:p

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Yannes Log in to see links
    Hi Dimitri...very very good job,men! Dragon ball z LSW meboy has been uploaded by you...i'm so realy realy hapy ^.^
    but i'm use NOKIA 6280,and the game is stoped after intro...nothing game to play may it caused strentgth of my phone,dimitri ??:p
    yes, probably.
    I've been there many times as well.
    There are even games I upload, that don't work on my phone.
    it depends on the phone and emulator.
    Meboy is still evolving. I'll post the news if they release a better version ;-)

  10. Default

    Okay,men!i'll be waiting for the good news for it

    GO MAN...GO!!!

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