DC comic group

  1. lazyitus
    It comes out on the 28th in the uk!(DAMN) I have a ps3 and let's not get into a flaming war 'bout it,out of curiosity tho was the demo free for xbox?(it was for ps3 and i think pc too) 'cause i know that microsoft try to grab any cash they can in any way they can!
  2. lazyitus
    Apparently(according to forums on batman website)it's easier to build a combo on pc,dunno why but they were talking about 14-17 hits in one go,the highest I've managed is 6!
  3. SuperFlash1980
    Yeah, all thier demos are free. And I'm not into the whole flaming thing, I just like to game.
  4. SuperFlash1980
    I think about 6 was all I got as well. Hmm,...

    That detective view is a cool feature I think.
  5. lazyitus
    Yeah groovy isn't it,I love the way it tells you the heart rate and how scared people are.
  6. SuperFlash1980
    Yeah, it was cool watching that stuff go up as you slowly took people out from up high. Being able to hang them upside down was a nice touch too. lol
  7. SuperFlash1980
    The game is great. Its pretty easy though, but its still fun.
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