Conversation Between Silver and adoike007

8 Visitor Messages

  1. You're the best, thanks.
  2. I'd send a message to Vivian (i think she validates wallpapers) if it's urgent. But she's been busy with University and work as far as I know.
  3. Thanks alot, i appreciate your time. Its actually 320*240 wallpapers.
  4. It's a good idea. The only problem, is that none of the moderators are really 100% sure what other moderators validate. We all just go about our own section, aware that another mod could be doing the same thing, but we generally have little idea who.
    If you really want, drop a PM to Karl, and you might be able to find out why. What type of upload is it?
  5. Thanks alot Joe but i have a suggestion. Instead of leaving it in the hope that another Moderator would know what to do s/he could contact another moderator to take care of it. My worry is, if none of them knows what to do then the upload would take quiet a while to be validated. Thanks again.
  6. It depends on the uploads. Sometimes the moderator(s) will be busy, so will only complete half of the validations they have, or even none; which can be why they're left for a while.
    Also, if a moderator is unsure if a file should be uploaded or declined, they may leave it in the hope that another moderator knows what to do with it.
    I can only apologise about the delays.
  7. hi,
    i was wandering why some uploaded file take less than 2 days to be validated whiles other take a longer time even sometimes exceeding the time giving. Any clue?
  8. hey thanks for all your help........
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