Conversation Between boydstr and Vishay

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Vishay,yes i was talking about the mobile emu./games.I play now MK on the Xbox360 it feels like the oldskool MK but with HD graphics,great game.Greetzz from Boyd
  2. Hi mate, sorry for the very late reply.
    you mean emulaters on your phone to play mortal kombat??

    I was actually talking about mortal kombat games on playstation.
    there is a mortal kombat for mobile that works great:, try it out!!!!!
  3. Thanks mate
    P.S i have some emu. on my phone and can play the older MK games but its almost impossible without a analog stick or decent Dpad because the input commands like down/down left/right and that in a fluļd motion,no way you can do that on a phones Dpad.I think phones with a virtual keypad/tochscreen it must be easyer to peform those moves.Greetzz
  4. Hey you like mortal kombat, thats great!!!!!!!!
    +rep you for that!!!!!
  5. your welcome,great games and nice private page MK rules !!
  6. Thanks For The Rep mate!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6