Conversation Between BlueTrigger94 and Ida96

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. hello Now I have done a new group ``Michael Jackson lovers<3´´ so if you like him so would it be nice if you join it
  2. that was sad to hear too How old is he?
  3. Tell me about it Therre's no change in his condition, it's really sad I feel bad for him
  4. What nooo that was sad to hear I hope that he not die!
  5. Not Very good, my ex-girlfriends's boyfriend is in the hospital and possibly brain dead
  6. Hey there How are you?
  7. hey thank you for join mine group! want you to be my friend?
  8. Sorry for getting your message late, but I was on the road at a Siverstein concert. I'm gonna join your group and sorry for the late response
  9. hello! I have made a new group ``we love green day in here´´. so if you really love or just like green day join my group so we can maby talk about the best band in the world we can maby be friends.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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