Log in to see links your friends that you have a real photo camera, choose a scene take a picture of a girl or just a couple of girls. Your friends will believe you can have your photos naked when shooting, picture taken will show your friend almost naked! Better than x-rays! Hotter than hell! A funny joke uses it when you're out with your friends! Actual real images taken are saved in your gallery. Please leave a comment.

We need to improve this joking application Log in to see links. Functions: works like a normal photo camera. Choose scene take a photo of a girl in the screen image is replaced with the scene shows naked to the girl. She will believe you can do it! Smile.

Do you like to examine the bodies? Have you ever tried any body scanners?

Then Log in to see links. The body scan camera applications are useful for scanning the human body Or you use a body scanner application such as girl body scanner or kid body scanner.The Body Scanner Camera is an off-line simulator through which you can scan your partner's body for fun.

The xray cloth scan application is a fun and entertaining body scanner application.The best cloth of the body ray camera, the actual x-ray camera cloth, does not actually work. then download the scanner's play from the body and have fun.

Better layering of the x-ray camera's radius can help you at annoying times. The body scanner uses the transparent camera. that will never take the picture. The xray body scanner is a just a fluffy cloth scanner. After scanning your body, the x-ray prank will show the funny result.

The best body bin best joker from the actual X-ray camera will help you to see underneath your friend's dress. but remember that the scan results of the x-ray camera will not be true.

The best x-ray camera cloth scan of the body scan is designed as a real body ray scanner. First, simply download the scanner from the real body ray. then run this X-ray camera. The body's chess ray scanner will ask for different options. which will confuse your friends they will think that through the xray cloth scan camera, you can actually see your body warm. . The best draw of the x-ray camera cloth from the body scanner is an x-ray cloth play. you can tell your friends that you have a six pack scanner or a six pack photo editor that will show your bodies with six weight packs.

This Application is just for fun ok dont take it seriously