A new wedding season is coming, and with it a new set for the most exciting and unforgettable parties. Although the Log in to see links are still relevant, it is not surprising that the first weddings of this year included these tracks in playlists. Few last year's hits, plus a selection of new products, as well as an immortal classic, and your wedding party will definitely work out for the glory! Because, as you well know, there is a place for everything at dances - incendiary tracks, slow songs and those that everyone will sing along with. If you still do not know what music will sound at your wedding, then look at our playlist - perhaps you will find a lot of interesting things in it!

Log in to see links are the most indispensable part of all wedding ceremonies. Despite the seeming simplicity, it is very difficult to choose the best music performers for various wedding ceremonies. There is a huge number of songs and music, ranging from classical and ending with the most modern musical compositions.

Wedding music is something that is not given enough attention. But just like a wedding bouquet, a dress and a restaurant, wedding music is crucial for setting the festive atmosphere at a Log in to see links is one of the most important ways to help your guests relax and create a good mood. Below is a list of dance compositions for which guests best dance at a wedding. It should be noted that this is just a list. The number in the sequence number is just a figure, not the popularity of the composition. The list is compiled according to our personal observations and will be updated.