Log in to see links is one of the most beautiful days in many countries in Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, China and Japan. This festival is over a hundred years old. Although the origins of the Mother's Day celebration may well have been sought during the spring break, as the inhabitants of ancient Greece Rhea, the mother of the great god Zeus, were ordained. Since 1600, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Sunday has been published in England. On this day, the fourth Sunday of Lent, the mothers were honored. And on that day it was impossible to work, it was necessary to visit the parents.The story of Mother's Day today is as follows. In 1907, a young American girl, Anna Jarvis from West Virginia, began to hold mothers in memory of her mother, who died prematurely. Anna wrote letters to state institutions, lawmakers, eminent personalities suggesting that they honor mothers one day a year. , In 1912, the Log in to see links Association was established to publicize this day. Although it is actually a celebration of eternity: from generation to generation for each of us, the mother is the most important person. Since 1914, this party has received official status in the United States.

Surely Log in to see links, because we carry in our souls from childhood to our last days the unique and unique image: the image of our mother, who will understand everything, will be forgiven, will always regret and love without reservation want. The happiness and beauty of motherhood were celebrated byLog in to see links.

And it's no coincidence: in terms of a woman's reputation in the state, parenting can determine the degree of culture and well-being of society. Happy children grow up in a friendly family and under the care of a happy mother. And on this day, the children congratulate their beloved mothers on their holiday with Log in to see links gratitude for their tireless care, patience, love and dedication. And men not only thank their mothers, but also their wives, who gave them the joy of fatherhood. In many countries festivals, exhibitions and concerts are celebrated in honor of these festivals .Log in to see links, small memories, pleasant little things, unexpected surprises and kisses that burn. Although the main gift is the attention. And of course, today's holidays cannot take place without family dinner.