Search any Indian Std code-


All Indian STD codes at your fingertips, search by city name or STD Code.


World map-


Political world map. Software under GPL license. Map data public domain (World Factbook). Source code provided.


Face match-


It will be great if my camera mobile phone can only be accessed by me. J2MEFaceMatch is such an application. It stores one or several master faces of the mobile phone owner, the user need to have a sanpshot of the face and match with owner`s face, if it passed the match, it will allow the user see/edit some secrete info (ex. phone number), otherwise it will deny the access.

Sounds interesting, does it really work? Test yourself! Remember the face should be straight front face filled with viewfinder the way as you take the master face. To create your own master face in your mobile, you need to signup after you take a good quality master face. Of cource the master face is not necessary a face, it can be any image that only you know. When match, you need to snapshot that image to compare.
